Perhaps you’ve poked around our holiday gift guide this year and come across the category called Gifts Under $15 That Don’t Seem Cheap at All. If so, you very likely spotted the gourmet lollipops. You know the ones. The ones that call to you in your sleep whispering a million reasons good reasons to buy them.
Let me just say: Do it.
How else can you indulge in the likes of seasonal flavors like Peppermint lollipops or Eggnog Latte lollipops made
with real espresso? How else might you delight some lucky child waking up to a stocking full of, possibly the best lollipop of all (according
to my kids), Mint Chip on a Stick?
(Although funny enough, the one I couldn’t stop eating: The box office lollipop with real flecks of buttered popcorn inside. Never would have guessed it.)
Forget the corn syrup — these lollipops handmade by a mom in Brooklyn
at the Etsy Mihow shop come from old fashioned sugar. Which means you have to eat them within a couple of
weeks, especially if you’re in warmer climes. The flavors are robust and
natural, or as she calls them, “schizophrenic,” and if you have a flavor or color in mind, special requests are welcome.
At $10 for 6 of them, the price is right. Not that there’s any wrong price for gourmet lollipops. Slurp. –Liz
Order gourmet lollipops from Mihow by Dec 15 for Christmas delivery, although they’re awesome any time of the year. You can also follow her very funny twitter stream at @mihow