gallery cornersIn this era of the stainless steel fridge, there is one problem befuddling even the smartest of parents: where do we hang the kids’ art? Well, fret no more fellow kid-art aficionados, because Petit Collage has a brilliant solution that will change your life–or at least your kitchen–forever.

Gallery Corners
are little fabric adhesives reproduced from lovely vintage wallpaper
patterns, and they’re designed to affix art, photos and even shopping
lists to whatever flat, non-porous surface you need to stick them to.
They’re removable, they come in triangles and circles, they’re
waterproof (hey, if you’re one of those moms who actually washes your
walls and fridge that might be a big selling point), and they’re

gallery corners from petit collageYou can also use them to pin up notes and grocery lists on that Sub Zero.

love the idea of having a rotating gallery of my kids’ work in the
kitchen. Or maybe in their bedroom. Or both. And being a bit of a
perfectionist–okay, a lot of a perfectionist–I like knowing that I can
arrange and rearrange until everything looks just right.

And then, you
know, tweak everything one or two more times.


Hang your children’s artwork with Gallery Corners available at Petit Collage