It’s easy to feel hopeless in today’s world, like one person can’t make a difference in the face of earthquakes and oil spills and families without health insurance. That’s why we’re so excited about Kickstarter, a website connecting do-gooders with vetted, legitimate creative projects and ambitious endeavors.
Not only can you make a difference, you get a ringside seat to watch the dreams you help fund come to fruition.
At Kickstarter, you can search for projects you want to help support by topic, whether they’re trying to make the world better through the arts, culture, food, the environment, and more. You can watch videos by the project creators, catch up on their progress via blogs, and have concrete proof when a project’s funding is met and the dream comes to life.
You also determine how much you want to pledge (through Amazon’s safe payment system), and your credit card isn’t charged unless the project garners the total funding needed by a pre-set deadline. You just might even get a reward or thank-you gift for your donation if you’re a big spender.
I’ve been browsing projects and am amazed by the good Kickstarter is helping to spread. From seedbomb dispensers in urban areas to a documentary about a fascinating group of Vietnam vets, to fledgling albums and exhibitions by visionary artists, it’s empowering to choose a cause, become a backer, and know that you are helping someone live their lifelong dream. Even better is knowing that the projects will affect other lives in a marvelous, positive ripple across the community.
Be the good you want to see in the world. Be the kickstarter to someone’s metaphorical bike.~Delilah
Visit Kickstarter to browse and support ambitious projects, such as Fresher Than Fresh all-natural snow-cones in Kansas, pictured above, a project that has already reached its goal but is still going strong.
[thanks erin]