We’ve been long time supporters of handmade here at Cool Mom Picks. In fact, it’s our original reason for being. And so when Kristal from Rik Rak Studio (love her stuff!) asked Liz and me to judge her amazing Handmade Olympics, we said “Absolutely!” without a moment of hesitation.
Whether you’re a popular Etsian or a crafter by hobby,
entering in each of the seven categories is super easy. (No triple salchows required!) Just comment on the
event page at the Rik Rak blog with the name of the item, the creator, and a
link to the image or shop listing.
If you’re not a crafter, but simply an admirer of the
craftiness like we are, consider nominating one of your own personal faves and give a small biz some love. As in, more than $2000 in prizes.
I’m only sad I can’t enter my bell-shaped knitted potholder Which looks neither bell-shaped nor knitted. -Kristen
Nominations for the 2011 Handmade Olympics are open until February 7, 2011 so get cracking! We’re judging Event 2, children’s items. Chocolate cookie bribes are welcome. Kidding. Sort of.