Kids' dinosaur backpack from Beatrix NYWe’re huge fans of the Dante Beatrix backpacks for almost too many reasons to mention–the eco-friendly materials, the perfect toddler sizing, the adorable designs. How’s that for a start?

Now the company is simply named Beatrix NY. And to celebrate their name change, they’ve added two new creatures to their already cute backpack family which both start shipping tomorrow. Meet Lucas the whale and Baxter the dinosaur (shown), the kid-friendly, mom-approved little-kit sized children’s backpacks. They’re here just in time for summer day camp, day trips to the beach (or maybe Grandma’s house–whoo!), or even long car or plane rides that require kids to carry their own snacks and change of Diego underwear.

Get your little one outfitted for all his or her summer adventures, or get a jump on the back to school madness, smart mamas. -Kristen

Pre-order Lucas and Baxter for a June 15 ship date and make sure to check out all the cool children’s
and awesome stroller tote diaper bags at Beatrix NY.

EDITED TO ADD: Dante Beatrix has a new URL: