Every year, I promise my kids one special back to school outfit, and now that it’s officially September (eek!) I guess it’s that time again. Generally I’m a big believer in $8 jeans, but one splurge always seems reasonable, especially when they love it love it love it.
Fortunately, we’ve scored you an exclusive discount on some of the special new fall kidswear at one of my favorite online boutiques.
Arte Bebe always showcases all that’s hip and stylish for babies and
young kids, and this fall is no different. I’m loving the new line of Misha Lulu Hello Kitty clothes which elevates my daughter’s beloved Hello Kitty to designer status. The party dress and the blue tunic are each so Japanese-chic, I kind of don’t mind the big character right on the front. (My kids sure won’t.)
I also think the Saurette
clothing is gorgeous, as always. And if you’ve got a little fella
running around, check out the slightly edgy fall collection of Appaman clothes and outerwear that we recently raved about.
If splurging isn’t your thing, keep an eye on the sale section. That awesome Slushee Attack shirt from Monster Republic is just as cute when it’s 15% off. –Liz
Hit Arte Bebe for lots of cute clothes for babies and kids