Some books are like cut flowers: I get them, enjoy them, and forget about them. But some books are like lawns, like rich green grass that I want to cultivate and nurture and wiggle between my toes every Spring.
The package comes with 75 markers made from sticky Post-It note material
that resemble a beautiful bouquet of green grass when placed at
different points throughout the book. If you’re sick of dog-ears in one
of your forever tomes, this is a sincerely lovely way to mark those
passages that touch your heart. And if you’re a Whitman fan, the world
needs more photos of Leaves of Grass artfully filled with leaves of
Find GreenMarkers at White Rabbit Express which special orders anything from Tokyo. One catch – ordering in dollars adds an extra $10 to the price.
But since this is 2011 and they’re being featured on design blogs, that
will probably change soon. American distributor, anyone?