by Delilah S. Dawson | Valentine's Day
You’re almost out of time, lover. Good news: We’ve rounded up creative last-minute Valentine’s Day gifts that will remind your honey how much you love them every day. Even if you also have to love them enough to pay a ton for quick shipping or to run out and find a...
by Cool Mom Picks Deals Team | Books for Adults, Books for Kids
We should never forget how magical it feels to step inside a real bookstore. As parents know, Barnes & Noble is more than a bookstore, it really is a family-friendly destination full of cozy spaces, family events and author readings, a lively kids’ section, a...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Spawned Podcast
Whether you’re a woman nearing thirty, forty, fifty, or well beyond — have I got good news for you. Debra Whitman PhD, expert on aging and longevity, AARP Chief Public Policy Officer, and author of The Second Fifty: Answers to the 7 Big Questions of...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
September means new backpacks and football kickoff and pumpkin spice everything, but mid-month, September becomes Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15). So we’ve put together some of our very favorite children’s books, middle-grade...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
I’ve been looking for children’s books about 9/11 because now that 2001 is so far behind us that it feels like “history” to our kids (and now, to some young adults) so I want to be sure my kids really understand the importance of this day. You...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids
I’m not sure how many kids asctually ask what is Labor Day? It’s become synonymous with the unofficial end of summer, a three-day weekend, barbecues, and yeah, some pretty great sales. So much so, we kind of blow past it without the tributes and...
by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Spawned Podcast
News flash: We all age! Every day! And yet the world can be tough on us for doing just that. So how do we move forward with joy and learn to celebrate all our phases of life as women? And might we be inadvertently contributing to ageism in our society without even...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
If you want to learn more about Juneteenth as we approach its anniversary, or just want to be sure its history and relevance has a place on your bookshelves, we have found some terrific children’s books about Juneteenth to help. After all, I know a lot of us...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids
Today, the Amazon Books Editors announced their annual mid-year list of the Best Books of the Year So Far, including a hand-picked list of The Best Children’s Books of the Year So Far. And I’ll get to them allll in a sec. But first, there’s one book...
by Dr. Christopher Willard | Books for Kids
There are certainly plenty of mindfulness books for children out there. But I have to be honest, many of the recent titles my own kids see at a bookstore or the the library make them ask, “ugh, is that one of those… mindfulness books?” And I am, by the way, a...