The CPSC action du jour is a BOB stroller recall affecting nearly 500,000 single and double strollers sold in the US and Canada. Evidently the backing behind the company logo on the stroller canopy can detach, and babies, particularly those in infant seats, can reach it and put it in their mouths.

While of course choking hazards can be quite serious, fortunately no children have been hurt. If you own a BOB stroller (a very good one, in our estimation), the solution, according to the CPSC is simply to remove the embroidery backing patch from the canopy (visit should you need instructions). And of course, don’t let your kids eat their strollers. -Liz and Kristen
Seems like a bit of an overreaction but okay, better to be safe than sorry.
That’s the general consensus. Danielle. The problem is we don’t have a better word than “recall” to differentiate between “order a hinge cap” / “remove the patch” and “ZOMG SEND IT BACK TO THE FACTORY! THE SEAT IS MADE OF RAZOR BLADES!”
This stuff drives me bonkers! Such needless “recalls” take away the urgency of dealing with truly dangerous products. Next thing we know, grocery stores are going to have to “recall” grapes because they can be a choking hazard. The solution… common sense people!
We’ve had our BOB for three years and the backing fabric started coming off almost at once. I just helped it along, mainly because it looked bad. It never even occured to me that my children would choke on it. Seems a small thing to have a full blown recall over. It’s too bad a “warnings” can’t be issued instead of a recall…