My kids are at the age where their Trick-or-Treat bags return home weighing almost as much as they do. At this rate they’ll be up to their knees in mini-treats until 2012. So I’m often looking out for other things to hand out at Halloween parties, or when the doorbell rings–but that are still cool enough to keep your house from getting egged.
Well hooray for Smencils’ new Halloween packs!
The new Spooky Smencils and Spooky Smens would definitely make my kids forget about another pack of Sweet Tarts. For years, my kids have been sniffing these yummy-scented pencils that are made from recycled newspaper. And now, just in time for Halloween, they come in scents like Slime Lime, Pumpkin Panic and marshmallow-y Monster Marsh in a Halloween-appropriate container.
Get them in a bucket of 50 to pass out the door, or just order a few of the five-packs for your own kids. They’ll last a lot longer than those little Butterfingers. And they sure are better for teeth. –Christina
Grab Spooky Smencils and Spooky Smens from the Smencils website. You can also find Spooky Smencils at Stubby Pencil Studio where they are giving away one free with every order (while supplies last; see website for details).
Why not just donate excess candy to the troops? That’s what we do every year after that first couple of weeks of doling out 2 pieces everyday wears thin. It makes the kids happy to think they’re making soldiers day a little brughter.
Dentists buy the candy back and donate it, usually to Operation Gratitude. Also, many scout troops sponsor something similar.
Absolutely Kristianna—-we have recommended doing just that @ (SUCH a great program)—but, some people really don’t want to support “Big Candy” and want to hand out something different (or maybe just send their little Halloween party guests home with something non-sugary), and these are a great option to consider. No matter how many non-sugar treats my kids get, we still end up with pounds of candy to send to the troops overseas (I have three very determined trick-or-treaters!) lol