Kids' first tool set - with real toolsMy boys love woodworking. It certainly helps having a super handy husband and grandpa to keep them busy and tinkering away in the garage. But I have to admit, seeing them wielding heavy tools does frighten me some.

A while back, I searched high and low for kid-sized tools. We found an entire section of mock tools at the toy store, but nothing that would actually get a project done. (Why would anyone pretend to drill? they wanted to know.)

Thankfully, Red
has answered their call. They make legitimate, quality
tools for small hands including a screwdriver, hammer, tape measure, goggles and an electric
drill–yes! They even make a real working drill for kids complete with

The price is right too. Most times, Red Toolbox
costs less than the “fake stuff,” as my kids call it.

The cool thing about Red Toolbox is that in
addition to making tools, they also sell kits for really fun projects
that range from beginner (a bird feeder) to advanced (a billiard table).
The boys are eying the Air Hockey table as our next family project,
Yes, Red Toolbox
has even brought me out to the garage. What? I don’t want to miss out
on the fun. –Eva
Red Toolbox tools for kids are
available online at