Improve social skills with Flummox and FriendsThere are a lot of days when having a kid with social challenges isn’t particularly funny; when his feelings get hurt, when making friends is difficult, when he despairs of ever “getting it right” when it comes to following society’s rules… that’s not particularly giggle-worthy.

But the truth is that any “social skills program” that isn’t entertaining is just a great big downer and something to be tuned out.

So maybe you heard my squeals of glee, just now, at
discovering the Flummox and Friends website and associated Kickstarter site.

The Thinking Person’s
Guide to Autism just put up a great interview with creator Christa Dahlstrom–she’s
a mom to an Aspie, just like me, though unlike me, she found a
way to create a live-action comedy that’s entertaining for everyone, not
just our quirky kids who need a little extra help in the social graces

If they meet their fundraising goal, the full-length Flummox
and Friends pilot can become a reality, and maybe the self-described
“little bit Pee Wee’s Playhouse, mixed with The Big Bang Theory, with a
little old-school Electric Company thrown in” series will become a
long-running reality.

I say a show like this is
long overdue, and after watching the video clip, I’m ready for more.
Let your quirk flag fly, my friends! -Mir

out the Flummox and Friends Kickstarter site to
donate and track their progress