Custom family name art prints from Tree Top StudioWhile we may not be the kind of family to have our last name on a welcome mat outside our front door, it doesn’t mean we aren’t super proud of our clan. So, when my anniversary came around this past year I thought, sure, a traditional romantic tribute for my husband would be nice, but in the end I went another direction entirely. I decided to pay tribute to us, our lives, choices and our creations together with a custom family print.

I have seen a few different artists doing this now but I really love the simple and sweet homestyle design of the custom family prints from the Tree Top Studio
in Portland (the land of everything fabulous apparently).

For the cost
of a modest bottle of wine ($36) you can send a much longer lasting
heartfelt message. Choose your colors, add your names, kids, pets,
special dates–whatever is important to you.

And get this: should you ever add another member to your family, Tree Top will update your print with the new name and send you a new one for free. How’s that for family values. -Stephanie M