Whether you’re hosting a seder or awaiting the Easter bunny, one thing’s for sure: you’re about to be knee deep in hard-boiled eggs. Recipe alert! Here are 5 deliciously clever ideas for enjoying all of those eggs, once they’ve completed their job on your holiday table, of course.
1. Make a gourmet egg salad sandwich like the one pictured above by Brown Eyed Baker, which comes to life with dijon mustard and a bit of lemon juice. It’s the classic solution for leftover eggs with good reason. For another sandwich idea, try this sliced egg and cornichon sandwich instead.
2. Spices plus tomato puree make a shockingly delicious and easy-to-cook curry sauce for hard boiled eggs. I love this
North Indian Egg Curry by Andrea Nguyen, made with extra cilantro and a squeeze of lime.
3. These
Umami Eggs by Sarah of The Delicious Life are a perfect snack or light dinner,
nestled in a bowl of rice. Especially if you killed your appetite eating chocolate bunnies. What exactly are umami eggs, you ask? Let’s just say that you hardly need a recipe–just 4 ingredients, and that includes
the eggs.
4. Get out your best chopping knife and create a
Classic Cobb Salad like this one from Guilty Kitchen. With bacon, egg, avocado, veggies and more bacon (you know, for good measure), you can’t really go wrong.
Psst…hard boiled eggs last about a week refrigerated, not so long if they’re left out at room temperature. So the closer to the holiday you can make them, the more chance you’ll have to get to enjoy them. And don’t eat the cracked ones!
These all look delicious:)Thank you for finding all of them!