Though there are already many wonderful charities and benefits to help support kids with cancer, we are so touched by one effort by dad and musician Alastair Moock who is using his musical talents to speak directly to these special kids, one of whom includes his own young daughter.
[After the jump: Learn how you can win a copy of this CD for your own family, or to donate to your local children’s hospital]
Alastair’s own daughter’s leukemia diganosis influenced the creation of a most-excellent collection of songs for the family: Singing Our Way Through: Songs for the World’s Bravest Kids. It includes 13 songs that are both intensely personal and universally understandable to anyone who has had cancer touch their life. In other words: all of us.
Lest you think this album will have you going through a box of Kleenex, let me reassure you: This is not a sob-fest. It is one of the most uplifting, fun love letters that will speak to kids and families, even if cancer isn’t a daily reality. And for kids who have been touched by cancer, this is one CD that will make them feel understood in such a profound way.
Starting off with the guitar-backed, spoken-word piece I Am the Light, Alastair Moock uses the letters that spell “cancer” to speak to the inner strengths that kids have to call on to fight the disease.
I love the humor and understanding in songs like When I Get Bald, a funky tune with the cutest music video featuring Alistair’s daughter, that will get kids smiling whether they are the ones losing their hair, or if they know someone who is.
Throughout Singing Our Way Through…Alastair Moock’s lyrics are so insightful but more importantly, appealing to children. I’m a Little Monkey and B-R-A-V-E reflects both the playful and unbeatable sides of these small fighters. And Have You Ever Been Jealous? speaks to siblings, like Alastair’s other twin daughter who had to learn how to live with big changes in her own life.
True to the collaborative spirit in kindie music, some of our favorite artists like Elizabeth Mitchell on Take a Little Walk with Me, The Okee Dokee Brothers on Hard Travelin’, and Rani Arbo on Have You Ever Been Jealous, join Alastair to contribute their musical gifts to this amazing album.
Though, be forewarned: the sweetest cover of This Little Light of Mine, which includes the voices of “the world’s bravest kids” gets me every time. So don’t push that Kleenex too far away. –Christina
Get your own copy of Singing Our Way Through: Songs for the World’s Bravest Kids from Alastair Moock’s website or at CD Baby.
Congratulations to Heather H! She won a copy of Alastair Moock’s Singing Our Way Through: Songs for the World’s Bravest Kids.