If like me you shed a tear or two or sixty over the sad departure of Domino Magazine a few years back, you’ll be happy about this awesome news.
Yes, Domino Magazine is back as a print quarterly, so rejoice all ye shoppers and browsers! But what’s really great is how they embrace the digital age, with an all new website.
It includes well curated products (but of course); posts about decor, home, travel, and entertaining; and plenty of tips and tricks for those of us always looking for them. I mean, how to throw a cocktail party in under an hour? Not sure if I believe it, but it’s worth a shot.
(As if I’m throwing lots of cocktail parties anyway.)
What’s really special is that it’s now e-commerce enabled, so you can just click and buy if you see something that strikes your fancy. Click that little “shop this story” button (looks like a pink purse) and you’ll see that oh, hello, that peony arrangement in the glass bowl is a little out of your price range at $514, but the yellow pillow shown on the couch is right up your alley.
Of course there’s all the social media pimping opportunities you’d expect from a site in the year 2013, though the functionality is still a wee bit glitchy on launch day. Some links take a few clicks to activate. And it would be nice to be able to Pin a main photo and not just the slideshow images.
Still, so happy to have it around. It’s going to be a great source of inspiration for a lot of people. So get on with your bad pinning self and start sharing that chevron ottoman. Quick, before everyone else does! –Liz
Welcome back Domino Magazine!