Forget overpriced seating and an emergency potty break right before the Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy. Thanks to these gorgeous printable Nutcracker paper dolls from CMP favorite Sarah Jane, now you can enjoy the magic of one of our favorite holiday traditions any time, any place, and with the most beautiful or ridiculous dances your kids can devise.
The Nutcracker Paper Dolls and Puppet Theater includes PDF printables of the stage proscenium and 13 Nutcracker characters. Just print them out on heavy card stock, cut and assemble. Then, crank the Nutcracker soundtrack from Spotify (The San Francisco Ballet Orchestra recording is nice) and let the kids have at it.
The artist’s blog has tons of free extras, including videos and a breakdown of the story, along with Tchaikovsky’s music. Kids can easily follow along and put on their own performance. Just don’t be surprised if the entire show comprises of an extended fight scene between the mouse king and the prince–provided there’s no actual cutting off of heads, or you’ll have to print them again.
The entire set of PDFs sells for $7.50 with no additional charge for front row seats.
Buy the PDF printables for the Nutcracker Paper Dolls and Theater from Sarah Jane Studios.