Of all the things I thought I’d grow up to be in life, a cartoon character was never one of them. But, here I am! A cartoon.

It’s a little strange. And yet? My butt never looked so good so no complaints from me.

For the last year, I’ve worked with American Express in various ways, which is a joy; I love getting to partner with the brands I love and respect and actually use myself. Proud member since 19-mumblemuble. So as a spokesperson for the Amex EveryDay Credit Card (you know, Maroon 5, Tina Fey…me. Ha.) I am so excited to share my #EveryDayMoments video on the Amex YouTube channel that’s pretty perfect for back to school shopping season.

Those of you with five-year-olds — or just really opinionated kids when it comes to clothes — can probably relate to my story of back-to-school shopping with my daughter. Those of you with younger kids? Just you wait.

Thanks so much for watching, and I really hope it makes you smile. Even if you don’t watch it as much as Sage, who is nearing the 640 billion mark. Give or take.


Liz Gumbinner/ Cool Mom Picks #EveryDayMoments Amex Back to School Shopping Video

Also, she wants you to know that I never actually picked her up like a cat.

You can check out Liz Gumbinner’s #EveryDayMoments back to school shopping video on the Amex YouTube channel, plus some nice offers for back to school discounts from American Express partners.