We love celebrating Valentine’s Day because it’s a chance to show the people we love just how much we love them. Which we already do, but you know, there’s work and school and homework and activities, so we’ll take every opportunity we can get to step things up just a bit.
That’s why we put together an amazing Valentine’s Day Gift Guide (did you catch the first installment featuring 11 of the coolest personalized Valentine’s Gifts yet?), and why we’re looking forward to our upcoming Twitter Social, where we’ll dish on everything Valentine’s Day with you.
We’re so excited to be teaming up with Kindle Love Stories for a fun, funny (if you know us) Twitter social this Tuesday, February 3 and we really hope you’ll join us.
If you’re not familiar with Kindle Love Stories, it’s an interactive Amazon community that chats about the best recommendations and deals for tons of romance reads. In fact, you might find a little literary escape for yourself this Valentine’s Day.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, February 3, at 9 p.m. sharp (EST) to chat in real time with our editors Liz and Kristen, some of our favorite Cool Mom Picks contributors, our friends at Mom it Forward, plus the folks from Kindle Love Stories. You can share your own favorite gifts, Valentine’s activity ideas (hey now…), craft ideas you love, or maybe even the most romantic experience ever that will make us super jealous. You get the idea.
Oh, and of course there will be giveaways! Seriously awesome giveaways. Hint: Two of you will walk away with these beautiful Kindle Fire HD 7 tablets shown here, and there’s one awesome Amazon gift card up for grabs too.
Plus, you might get to hear Kristen share the story about the one year she got a half-eaten box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day. We wish we were kidding. – Kristen + Liz
To join our Twitter social, just show up. (Easy.) And be sure to enter here for an awesome Kindle Love Stories giveaway before our social starts, and then join on Tuesday for more surprises.
Of course, also be sure to follow @coolmompicks, @kindleloves, and @momitforward on Twitter.
Can’t wait! This one is gonna be A LOT of fun! =D