You know that museum in town you’ve been meaning to take your kids to but you just haven’t gotten to it? Yep, I have one too.  Well turns out you have a chance to do it free. Because on September 26 this year, tons of museums, zoos, aquariums and science centers across the country are participating in Museum Day Live! and opening their doors to visitors for free and we think that’s just awesome.

If you visit the page on — which is a pretty amazing site to explore with your kids, by the way — to print out a ticket you can take to a participating museum for free admission for two people. Whoo!

There are more than 1200 participating museums around the country, and dozens in NYC alone if you’re in the area. Our editor Liz recommends trying out the Children’s Museum of Manhattan (pictured above) or the Asia Society Museum if you haven’t already. I, however, am thinking about sneaking my kids out of our town for weekend as an excuse to check out an exhibit in another city. Maybe I’ll visit Liz in New York!


In DC, visit the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum on Museum Day Live!

Visit the Jewish Museum in NYC on Museum Day Live!

Make your own art at the Frist Center for Visual Art in Nashville, TN, on Museum Day Live!

Play at the Children's Museum of Manhattan on Museum Day Live!

One thought: As long as you’re getting into a great non-profit museum for free, consider letting your kid drop some money into that clear plastic donation box in the lobby, so they can keep doing events like this in the future for even more families.

Visit’s Museum Day Live! page to print your free tickets and see a complete list of participating museums.