If you’re the type who hears news about kids needing to get outdoors more and wonder just who the heck they’re talking about, have we got an awesome pick for you. My Outdoor Alphabet is a series of beautifully designed posters, baby onesies andĀ tees that bring to life the language of cyclists, backpackers, alpinists, skiers, and paddlers of all kinds.

For example, the cyclist’s alphabet takes you from aero bars to Team Z, with J for jersey, K for kickstand, and M for Musette. There’s a small description at the bottom to fill you in on each one in case you’re stumped. And since I’m not a cyclist, I actually had to look up musette. So. Now I know.


The cyclists' alphabet poster | My Outdoor Alphabet


My Outdoor Alphabet: A-Z for skiers, backpackers, cyclists, alpinists

C is for carabiner baby onesie from My Outdoor Alphabet


You can grab a beautifully screen printed and signed version of the posters, or a slightly smaller archival print for your kiddo’s room. Or maybe your own. Not that you spend any time in there; surely you’re reading this right now on your phoneĀ duringĀ a brief rest after a long portage, which is what P stands for in the Paddler’s Alphabet poster.

And yes, I actually did know that one.

Find the cool sporty A-Z posters, onesies and more atĀ My Outdoor AlphabetĀ