We’re all huge fans of The Good+ Foundation, which was started 15 years ago by Jessica Seinfeld — and you may know it by its original name, Baby Buggy. (In fact, our Editor-in-Chief Liz is so committed, she’s a member of the Friends of Good+ Foundation board of ambassadors.)

In less than two decades the organization has worked to provide more than 20 million essential baby supplies to low-income families. And now, I’m so happy to learn that in time for this week’s National Child Passenger Safety Week, they’ve teamed up with another brand we love, Britax, to provide families in need with free car seats, along with tips for buckling up safely. Because 70% of us are not installing or using our car seats correctly.


Through this campaign, more than $100,000 in brand new convertible car seats will be provided to low-income families in the L.A. area who bring their babies to the Eisner Pediatric & Family Medical Center for three well-child pediatric visits during the first year of life. Those visits are essential, not just for growth checks and weight logging, but because it’s where new moms and dads get additional support to help them figure out this whole parenting thing.

Correct use of kids' car seat harnesses: So important! | via Britax

From Britax’s  easy-to-follow guide on the most common car seat misuses that every parent should check out.

Really, the program is a double win for a whole lot of parents, and we encourage you to spread the news, with the hopes that more families in need find out about the program and can help get the medical care and the baby gear that helps keep their babies safe.

As far as we’re concerned, it’s more reason to support brands like Britax that are committed to doing good in the world, one more reason to support the Good+ Foundation. You both rock.

Help us support the Good+ Foundation and Britax by using the #DoGoodGiveGoods and #TheRightSeat this week, during National Child Passenger Safety Week, to raise awareness and support for their amazing work. You can also go online and make a tax-deductible contribution to support the Foundation’s efforts. 

If you’re a parent in the L.A. area who could benefit from this promotion, please contact the Good+ Foundation for more info.