Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.

We read that line in Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas every year, but it can sometimes be difficult to drive home the message with kids who are a bit more focused on their shiny, wrapped presents. (Not that we blame them entirely.)

Related: Deck the house with the coolest Christmas printables, lots of them free

If you want to find the strength of 10 Grinches plus two this holiday season — and mobilize your kids to do good in the community — check out 25 Days of Grinch-mas. This annual campaign by Random House seeks to grow everyone’s heart three sizes by bringing the heartwarming message of Seuss’ famous Christmas tale to life. And they make it as easy as green eggs and ham (heh) with plenty of free printables like the good deed activity tracker above, games like tic tac toe and crosswords, even cute make-your-own-ornaments.

Free printable DIY Grinch ornaments page for kids to color

There’s also a great list of local events including storytime at local bookstores, or appearances by the Grinch himself.

Get those Cindy Lou Who pigtails ready!

I especially like the donate page, which allows kids to trade in evidence of three good deeds for a book to be given to their community through the organization First Book. Because, I love the chance to get books out into the community to those who need it most while focusing our kids on growing bigger hearts instead of bigger piles of presents.

And of course, all those crafts and printables to keep kids busy between all their cheery benevolence can’t be a bad thing. Now, who’s ready for some roast beast?


Visit 25 Days of Grinch-mas for free printables, activities, and charitable opportunities. And if you tweet your kids’ good deeds with the hashtag #GrowYourHeart or #Grinchmas, you’ll have a chance to win some really cool Seuss gear. Details are on the site.