Hold on to your credit cards, mamas. Because we found some seriously cool kids’ leggings at The Trendy Tot Etsy shop. From magic 8 balls to emoji faces, these knee patches will add a ton of interest and personality to your kids’ wardrobe this spring.
Let’s just say, we’re all in.
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Sure, they’re priced a bit more than we’d ordinarily spend on a single pair of leggings. But with more than 700 5-star ratings, I think it’s probably worth the higher price tag. Customers are saying that the items they’ve purchased are great quality, long-lasting, and look even more expensive than they are.
And with designs this cute — which you aren’t likely to see everywhere on the playground this spring — it’s definitely worth a look.
You can find all these leggings and more cute designs at The Trendy Tot Etsy shop.
Lovely leggings. I think as soon as I show them to my daughter, there will be no way back, I will have to buy 😉