Before we agreed to partner with Johnson’s on this series, we did our own research about their growth and evolution in terms of ingredients, practice, and transparency. As parents ourselves, we are incredibly conscientious about the brands we work with and we felt good about what we learned.
We are firm believers in supporting brands who listen to customer feedback, respect new scientific data as it emerges, and show a genuine commitment to safety and transparency.
Therefore, we present the following sponsored message from Johnson’s®
It’s important as a parent to feel confident in all the products you buy for your baby, and that includes the skincare products you put on your baby. With that, it’s essential to read labels, examine ingredients with a critical eye, see what’s listed — and what’s not listed — and get to know the safety standards of the brands you’re buying.
With that in mind, these are Johnson’s published safety standards, which should help you make better purchase decisions as parents and consumers.
1. Johnson’s discloses 100% of ingredients. There is no ingredient in any Johnson’s product isn’t listed on the label. That includes fragrance above 100 PPM, or 1/10th of a percent. Whether you want fragrant or fragrance-free products for your baby, you will see that information on every label of every product.
If you want to know more about any ingredient in any Johnson’s product, from Aloe Leaf Extract to Zinc Oxide, you can find it at You can even look up ingredients in other skincare products you might use.
2. Johnson’s safety standards meet or exceed the most stringent global standards. Europe, Japan, and Canada are known for having incredibly high safety standards for baby product ingredients, and the same Johnson’s products that are widely available in those countries are the ones available in the U.S.
In fact, thousands of cosmetic ingredients are available for sale around the world, but fewer than 2% of them meet Johnson’s safety standards for baby products.
3. The ingredient screening process is incredibly rigid. Ingredients from every Johnson’s supplier are screened down to 1 part per million, or 0.0001%. This ensures that even minute levels of impurity are identified so that it doesn’t impact product safety or efficacy.
4. Johnson’s leaves out the stuff parents don’t want. Every ingredient used today is thoroughly reviewed by global health experts. All products are completely free of parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and dyes.
5. There are scented and fragrance-free formulations, your choice. Johnson’s makes products without fragrance for parents who prefer unscented products for their babies. There are also products that contain fragrance, but only at safe concentrations, and using ingredients all free of known and potential allergens.
This has been a sponsored message from Johnson’s.