It means nothing. Absolutely nothing in 2021.

&$#*# April Fool’s Day! I mean, can’t we just have one day when we are not terrified about something — real or otherwise?

So my April Fool’s Day proposal is we just get rid of it. And that’s not a meta April Fool’s joke — it’s just me, being cranky, and exhausted after being lied to pretty much every minute of our lives for the past 4 years or so.

Thanks for ruining this too, Former Guy!

I just don’t want to worry today, that inside that surprise chocolate cupcake my kid made me, which I really really need right now, I’ll get mouthful of shaving cream. Or someone replaces the box of cookies in the pantry with empty wrappers. (Oh wait, that’s every day.)  Or that some Facebook buddy from high school is like, “hey, they just opened up a huge block of vaccine appointments for kids 12+…. hahaha APRIL FOOL’S.”


The bigger problem is, most people totally suck at April Fool’s jokes, something you already know if you check every brand’s corporate Twitter account today. Although I concede that this April Fool’s Joke from Funko is pretty cute. And appropriately harmless, I might add.

Funko April Fool's Joke on twitter

If you disagree with me entirely, well have at it. I understand that some levity may be just what you need today. In which case, feel free to try these not-too-scary April Fool’s Pranks we shared last year. Your kids will probably love them.

Or hey, you can always email this prank post to your friends, which we still get comments and questions about, 7 years later. (Sorry to give you a heart attack, social media users!)

This Aril Fool’s prank also panicked a whole lot of our readers for few brief minutes and I’m not I’m not sorry about it at all.

Shoot, it’s like I’m talking myself out of my own original point. We’ve been pretty good at April Fool’s jokes over the years, right? It’s been fun? We’ve had a good run together? We made some memories, had some laughs?

Well, maybe we’ll be back next April 1 with something new.

In the meanwhile, please enjoy these 5 product that seem like April Fool’s jokes, but actually aren’t. Those companies are still mad at us and I’m okay with that. As long as they don’t send me a shaving-cream filled cannoli in the form of a media swag delivery.

Top photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash