by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
The thought of an infant gumming on a New York City taxi sounds pretty unsanitary until you see the adorable, soft crocheted baby rattle toy found at Estella NYC. Handmade by Peruvian artisans, this small taxicab is the perfect size for little hands to grab and gnaw....
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
If there’s one thing that I love in a bib, other than the fact that it actually works, is not having to fight with my baby to get it on. And thanks to Cheeky and Swank’s magnetic baby bibs, I don’t.Sure, the bibs’ magnet closure makes life...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
With all the amazing advancements in baby gear over the last few years, I’m still baffled as to why baby swings are still so ridiculously heinous.Well, thanks to Fisher Price and DwellStudio’s new cradle swing, you can finally say good bye to circus colors...
by Betsy | Toys + Playthings, Valentine's Day
Growing up, no Valentine’s Day was complete without a bagful of Be Mine and Hug Me heart candies. Sure they were cute, but let’s be honest: they tasted like chewable antacids. Conversation Heart Rattles from Yellow Label Kids are a much more tasteful way...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
While I don’t have a lot of patience for unnecessary baby “essentials” if there’s one little doodad I’m a big fan of it’s the changing pad. I stash one in the car, one at grandma’s, one in a diaper bag, one under the stroller,...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Of course those gihunda baby activity centers and Exersaucers are a big hit for new parents because the kid will happily swat at some puppets or jingle balls in there long enough for you to hit the shower and wash the pureed chicken out of your hair. (Don’t hurt...