The one page baby record book

The one page baby record book

We’ve all experimented with the best way to keep track of a newborn’s schedule of eating, sleeping, and pooping. If the pen-and-paper way isn’t for you, then Sarah Masci’s stylish and eco-friendly Lullaboard may do the trick. This dry-erase...
Cool Beans

Cool Beans

Magic Beans may sound like something a frat guy tried to slip me back in college, but it’s actually the name of a super stocked Boston area baby gear and toy store. The mom/pop team of Eli & Sheri Gurock have done a great job streamlining  the site with...
You always burp the ones you love

You always burp the ones you love

You know how you have your everyday jeans and your “fancy” jeans? (Or is that just us suburban moms.) Well these personalized burp cloths from Blume are like those, perfect for when you want your baby to spit up on something a little more stylish. A set of...
Car seat cover couture

Car seat cover couture

It’s amazing how far baby gear has come since I had my first daughter just under five years ago. Since her car seat was the only place she’d nap, the poor girl sat for hours in an uncomfortable, unpadded, three-point harness seat. Granted, your...
Ameda breast pumps go Ultra

Ameda breast pumps go Ultra

I’ve been using an Ameda Purely Yours breast pump since I first attempted to pump with my oldest daughter. It’s certainly not full of bells and whistles, but as an occasional pumper, it served me well. So I was glad to see they’ve recently released...
Pool safety for kids – smart, but also cute

Pool safety for kids – smart, but also cute

When it first came time to baby-proof our apartment, I went to that big-box baby store to get supplies and learned there were far more ways that my baby girl could injure herself than I’d ever imagined. (Hello, bubble wrap). What I didn’t consider was our...
Baby got back carrier

Baby got back carrier

Caring for three kids under four on my own for more days than I care to think about makes outings extremely difficult. And while I definitely make use of my double stroller, whipping that out while putting my youngest in a baby carrier is a dance I don’t often...
Baby loves sushi

Baby loves sushi

Babies these days have expensive taste. They’ve got designer shoes before they can walk in them and name brand clothes before they’re able to put them on themselves. But while they might not be quite off the boob and onto unagi  just yet, you can...