by Christina Refford | Uncategorized
We headed off to see The Muppets this past weekend, both for the nostalgia and to introduce my kids to the beloved characters of my younger years. And while I believe that much of this movie would be lost on kids younger than grade school, my older kids were delighted...
by Christina Refford | Entertainment + Media
Did I mention that there were a lot kids’ music releases this summer? If you saw Part One in our review of great kindie releases yesterday, you’ve read—and hopefully heard–of new stuff from Caspar Babypants, Belle & Sebastian and The...
by Christina Refford | Entertainment + Media
Last month, cool-tee-site Threadless held a Muppet design contest to jump on the excitement many of us feel about the new Muppets movie coming out this fall. (New Muppets! Whee!) Threadless invited anyone to submit a Muppets tee-shirt design and promised to make the...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
I grew up watching The Muppet Show, but like many of us, didn’t completely get all the awesome humor until I was an adult watching it again with my kids. So when I heard that there’s a new Muppets movie on the way come November, I may have squealed louder...
by Christina Refford | Entertainment + Media
I’ve been looking forward to a new, full-length release by Lucky Diaz since I got a little sample of their sound on the EP Luckiest Adventure. C’mon, the band that created the infectiously fun Blue Bear? I knew they’d be able to put together...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Yes so we rag on the ubiquitous Elmo merch here from time to time. But the truth is, our heart has always been with Sesame Street which turns forty today. Forty! Amazing considering Grover doesn’t look a day over 6. Everyone seems to be getting in on the action,...