by Liz Gumbinner | School Gear, Back to School Shopping
Hi Cool Mom Picks, I know you’ve tested so many lunch boxes every year and I was hoping you could tell me what you think really are the best lunch boxes. I want something I don’t have to get rid of at the end of every year! And it should be sturdy and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Kids
When looking to send the last of the summer camp care package gifts to my kids this season, I stumbled across these natural bug bite patches that get great reviews. I bought the single pack of 27 Quitch Bug Bite Itch Relief Patches and my daughter immediately wrote to...
by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
Trying to keep the kids hydrated this broiling hot summer? Here’s one option that may help: The world’s cutest new animal water bottles for kids, just released from Uncommon Goods. (You know how much we love Uncommon Goods.) While they’re ideal for...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
It’s that time of year: Camp clothes shopping! Or more accurately, the time of year I look at the kids’ camp clothing checklist and realize we have outgrown everything and gah, where am I going to get those non-itchy navy shorts again at this late date? If...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kids, Tips + Tricks
There is a certain joy in putting together summer camp care packages for my tweens and teens each year. It’s not just loading them up with stuff so I can make sure they remember me (ha), it’s that a summer camp care package can provide them with some...
by Lexi Petronis | Kids, Tips + Tricks
If your kid is headed to sleepaway camp this summer, we’ve got some sleepaway camp packing tips compiled by a bunch of BTDT parents on our team. Especially if it’s the first time you’re sending your kid to sleepaway camp, you’re probably...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
I just got a peek at the new Mandalorian Grogu Crocs and whew! Get ready for kids everywhere to be begging for them. It’s easily going to be among the hottest kidswear of the summer. Some sales may generate a small commission to help support us at no additional...
by Cool Mom Picks Deals Team | Kids, Living
With Earth Month here and Earth Day coming up, we wanted to share a fantastic deal from Planet Box, the company making the incredible bento-style lunch boxes and earth-friendly reusable lunch accessories that we’ve been recommending for years. For adults, too!...
by Kate Etue | Toys + Playthings
When I send care packages to my boys at summer camp, I generally include snacks and silly toys for them to goof around with. And in Liz’s post packed with the best ideas for summer camp care packages, she talks a lot about sending fun board games the whole bunk...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kids, Tips + Tricks
I am what you’d call a camp evangelist, especially after seeing all the ways summer camp has helped my kids grow. And I’ve had a long time to be able to see that growth — our youngest is about to finish her ninth (!) year at the same camp, while her...