by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Obsessed with Pinterest as we are? Follow us! Then find cool pins like these from our site and beyond. 1. The awesome boots we’re coveting when we start to wean off sandals. 2. It’s a healthy back to school snack idea, but we want to eat it too....
by Delilah S. Dawson | School Gear
If Minecraft ate a bunch of your kids’ time this summer, this Minecraft Creeper backpack is the perfect way to head back to school, where sadly, Stampy Longnose videos are not part of the daily curriculum. Of course teachers will not accept “The Creeper...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
As we get ready to send our girls back to school–some of us sooner than others (ahem, Kate in Nashville)–we are so happy to see the trend of science themed tees for girls hitting the bigger retailers, like Lands End. The space tee for girls that they...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
After the total madness of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday (phew) one of the things we love best is #GivingTuesday. The point being that after taking advantage of so many great shopping deals for yourself and your loved ones over the past week,...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
With Thanksgiving and Hanukkah (A.K.A. Thanksgivukkah) just three weeks away, the food conversation will soon turn to brisket and turkey, Santa cookies and pie. While I’m looking forward to holiday food as much as the next cool mom, I’m also wondering how...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
There are lots of back to school kids’ clothing trends that we’re really liking this year, but one of them: the return of the star. The classic five-point star is showing up everywhere from the mass stores to the hottest kids’ brands, looking more...
by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
featured partner With back to school officially here and the cooler climes headed our way, we’re excited to be one of the first to share the video of the Ralph Lauren Kids fall fashion show which launched today. Can you say adorable? Now you get to see what some...