A Parent’s Thanksgiving Lifesaver

A Parent’s Thanksgiving Lifesaver

Now you don’t have to feel bad going back for seconds (or thirteenths). Only 3.79 at drugstore.com. Now if only we could find the tryptophan coma remedy. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Now go overdo it–you know you want to.
Love at First Flush

Love at First Flush

Like most of you, I’ve got excellent environmental intentions. And yet, even as I toss my soda cans in the recycling bin, I’m still creating my own personal landfill of disposable diapers. I want another option, but let’s be honest, you need major...
Take Me Out to the Diaper Genie

Take Me Out to the Diaper Genie

Oh the poor diaper wipe. It spends its brief time here on earth smashed against its brethren, crammed into some cheap plastic sheath, and finally covered in human waste and tossed away without so much as a goodbye. I say, treat your wipes with some dignity during...
We’re Not Only Cool, but a Little Crazy to Boot

We’re Not Only Cool, but a Little Crazy to Boot

We here at Cool Mom Picks understand the important role of the television in your home. How else would you pee in peace and have a great excuse to put off that last load of laundry? But, we also know that sometimes, the boob tube can begin to rule the household and...
Cloth Diapers Made Very Easy. Really.

Cloth Diapers Made Very Easy. Really.

Cloth diapers are back, baby, and they aren’t anything like the leaky versions of yesteryear. No huge scary pins or fancy folding skills required. The Very Basic All in One diaper from Very Baby is as easy as cloth diapering gets. These dipes are almost like...
Baby’s First Martini

Baby’s First Martini

The drinking age may be 21 but the way we see it, that gives your child plenty of time to get his James Bond impression down before he shows it off in public. My First Martini, the latest offering from the makers of My First Beer Garden, is the perfect size for your...
A Cause We Can All Rally Behind

A Cause We Can All Rally Behind

Dianetics states that moms in labor "maintain silence in the presence of birth to save the sanity of the mother and the child and safeguard the home to which they will go." Um. Democrat or Republican, red state or blue, I think we can all agree on one thing:...
The Stylish Tushie

The Stylish Tushie

I never thought twice about diapering my son with the eco-not-so-conscious disposable diaper. I have to admit, I thought that cloth diapers were still big cotton towels that required safety pins, manual dexterity, and a whole lot of free time. Then I saw the adorable...