This sweet ninja is soft, cozy, and comes with a minky sword. Who better to protect your baby from nightmares?
This sweet ninja security blanket from Koddalie on Etsy is a unique and cuddly way to keep your baby happy–and safe from the bad sort of ninja. Because all new moms have ninja problems, right?
Handmade of black dimple-dot minky and soft pink cotton, it measures in at 12×12, but can also be made at 18×18 or 29×29, if you need extra ninja protection for the little one. She’s washer and dryer safe, and even comes with her own minky sword.
And if you love the idea of a cuddly minky lovey with a face but aren’t into ninjas, she has listings for design-your-own blankeys that give you dozens of choices from animals, minky colors, and cotton fabrics. But none of them come with a sword. Except the ninja. Just sayin’. –Delilah
Find adorable minkey loveys at Koddalie on Etsy. Ninjas can be made in other colors besides pink, too.