We all love swapping war stories with another mom friend: You share your potty training adventures, she describes her toddler’s attempts to escape from the crib. By conversation’s end you’re laughing, crying, and grateful for the venting that keeps you both sane. (Or are you?)
In her aptly-named book "A Suburban Mom: Notes from the Asylum, author and Mommy Track’d contributor Meredith O’Brien enjoyably portrays her crazy and wonderful adventures as a mom of three young children. O’Brien’s writing is funny and real, whether she’s questioning the practicality of certain maternity clothes (leopard print thongs?!); venting about the zillions of pieces in kids’ toys that are constantly landing underfoot (like "tiny plastic grenades"); or describing a game of Candy Land with her family (when NO ONE wants to land on Lord Licorice).
I found her book to be as effective as one of those marathon bitch-and-laugh sessions with another mom: it kept me laughing, even through the madness. –Nancy