A quick update on the Save Handmade from the CPSIA initiative since so many of you have been asking.
If you haven’t been to our Save Handmade page, click over and see how you can help preserve the kids products and businesses we love so dearly. Some noteworthy include:
-An LA Times article that details how the CPSIA also impacts resale shops, thrift stores, and charitable donations of clothing and toys. If you buy any clothes or toys second-hand, this might be a good time to write to your congressional representative and be like, um…what are you thinking?
-The initiative on change.org called “Save Small Business from the CPSIA” made the finals! Meaning our vote count went right back to zero this week. VOTE NOW at change.org, digg style, and keep it in the top ten so that the idea is presented to the Obama administration on January 16.
-January 30 is the deadline for your comments to the CPSC regarding components testing and natural material exemptions. Use this link for the CPSC comment form (pdf).
-A Handmade Toy Alliance facebook fan page to keep you up on developments
-A Bloomberg.com story that details a CPSIA vote to some exempt natural materials including wool, cotton, silk, and gemstones – proof that your input (and a bunch of jewelry lobbyists) can indeed make a difference. Check out CMP co-founder Kristen’s post about it at Eco Child’s Play.