I’m a woman without singing ability. Also, my sense of rhythm is limited to 4/4 time. But when my daughter developed an interest in scat after hearing about it on a kids’ television show, it was time for some musical research. No need for my kid to be stunted by anything other than genes, after all.
When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat, a children’s book written by former elementary school teacher Muriel Harris Weinstein and illustrated by three-time recipient of the Coretta Scott King Award R. Gregory Christie, is a tribute to rhythm and the great man himself. Momma teaches her daughter to dance and scat, telling her to fly it like a kite.
While Sugar scats with Louis in a dream, she passes by cricket queens reclining on lounge chairs and dogs riding bones past musical notes. It’s unpredictable and unexplainable and totally cool.
So scat. Bibblety bat, not caught. Drop it like it’s hot. – Rita
Find the children’s book When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat by Muriel Harris Weinstein on Amazon