My husband is a photographer, and the good news is that we have countless professional-quality photographs of the kids. The bad news is that almost all of them exist only on my husband’s computer. Ahem. Because just as the shoemaker’s children go barefoot, the photographer’s wife tires of reminding him to please, just order some prints already.
Now I can take matters into my own hands–or pocket, or purse–with these adorable ZoomAlbums; each kit comes with everything I need to make three 3″ square photo books, and the best part is that I just drop the family pictures into the software and it all prints out on a single sheet. Then I follow the directions to peel the adhesive and fold it, and like magic I end up with a professional-looking itty bitty brag book of awesome. -Mir
Order everything you need for your own pocket-size photo brag books at ZoomAlbum.
Congratulations to ML, lucky winner of a ZoomAlbum kit!