There’s so much advice for new moms to wade through, and after being pregnant and told you can’t eat spicy tuna rolls or a good brie for ten months, it would be easy to throw up your hands by the time you get around to choosing the safest, most earth-friendly fabric softener for all those onesies.
In Healthy Child, Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home, author Christopher Gavigan of the CMP beloved Environmental Working Group, offers practical, common sense, non-judgy green parenting advice for environmental newbies and devoted composters alike. You’ll find tips for choosing a green pediatrician or safely removing mold and bacteria from disgusting bath toys woven in with excerpts from environmentally savvy celebs like Michelle Obama, Brooke Shields, Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks which keeps things fun.
My favorite part of this book was the useful Copy and Carry guides–particularly the one explaining which types of produce have the most pesticides on them. Hint: Buy onions. -Rita
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