Ironically, in a city that seems to have more of everything, any NYC parent or visiting tourist will tell your horror stories of being unable to find a changing table or a way to get from the uptown subway platform to the crosstown one without dragging a sleeping toddler down a flight of crowded stairs. Well, you guessed it, there’s an app for that.
iKidNY is an incredibly comprehensive, interactive database of not just where to find baby-ready bathrooms and subways with elevators, but, by using Google Maps, it can help you locate indoor and outdoor activities, nearby playgrounds and great kid-friendly restaurants, based on your current location or where you want to go.
Select from a few basic search categories, and a simple map of Manhattan (or the four other boroughs) allows you to quickly find kid-friendly oases in the urban jungle. Don’t live in NYC? Hang tight, because sometime this year they will be rolling out a national version.
The iKidNY app is $2.99, but trust me, knowing where to find the nearest clean restroom in the wake of a diaper emergency, that’s invaluable.–Betsy
Download the iKidNY app at the iTunes Store.