Father’s Day is Sunday, and while we’ve been giving you loads (and loads and loads of Father’s Day gift ideas, we understand that you may still be looking for that little special “something” that will pull it all together.

On the same page, Hello Lucky also offers beautiful wrappers that can turn the somewhat ho-hum gift of socks into something cool–a greeting card! Because good socks are rugged, warm and supportive, just like dad.

Yes, the tie theme can be played out, but it’s pretty cute hanging around the necks of a six-pack at a Father’s Day picnic. The printable Father’s Day gift tags from Amanda’s Parties to go are free…for the price of liking her Facebook page.

We like the idea of dad waking up to a Father’s Day printable banner
made by Love Party Printables, available for free at Catch My Party.
It’s actually part of a set including table tents and cards.

At Ham and Pea, they’ve got a package of free Fathers Day Printables around the theme of best dad in the world” in All-American colors. Very sweet.

If you’re up for making a coupon book from the kids, we love this free downloadable coupon book from Kiki + Company with an adorable super hero theme. (Hey, superheroes needs foot massages more than anyone!) There are other goodies to match, including Father’s Day cards. [via mia cupcake]

Want to give dad a giant ice cream sundae, a week off from chores, of just hugs and kisses? Type in whatever you want on this this free, custom printable Father’s Day gift card and holder from Today’s Mama. Then just print, fold and give.

Ooh a food massage? What’s that?? 🙂
Thanks for the list – I love printables!
Ha, thanks for the catch Carrie. Or maybe he has a food fetish? (Ha)
Ties have become such a father’s day cliche that the beer / cards are simply an awesome combination. A picnic would certainly be a good use but even just finding them on the counter would be an amusing, and welcomed, one.
These are great! 2 things, though — the wine label says 2012, and the Ham and Pea downloads don’t work. Darn – wanted to use the great Top Ten Reasons card!