What’s faster than a speeding Mario with a star, stronger than a Wookie with a grudge, and able to build a lava-lamp egg timer in her kitchen? It’s Geek Mom, and she’s here to entertain, educate, and spread the fun of geekery to families everywhere, thanks to this fun new book.
The Geek Mom crew at Wired.com are a coterie of gals after our own hearts, and we’re excited to share the fun of their new book, Geek Mom: Projects, Tips, and Adventures for Moms and Their 21st Century Families.
Most of the project books we see are dominated by carefully styled photo shoots of homes as clean as IKEA catalogs with spotless families producing perfect crafts–a little intimidating, to say the least. So you can imagine the mod illustrations and utter lack of photos in
Geek Mom were a little jarring at first; but as I read deeper, I came to appreciate the refreshing freedom the book’s format allows for imagination and the acceptance it offers for all kinds of families.
This book isn’t about appearances: it’s about sharing your love of geeky things, science, and crafts with your kids.
The book is divided into sections on superheroes and imagination, addressing curiosity, technology for geek kids, science, kitchen projects, and crafts. The projects are clearly labeled with cost, time, difficulty, and suggested age range, and the drawings are engaging and fun. Interspersed with each activity are interesting essays, recommendations for deeper study, profiles of geek role models like Julia Child, Bob Ross, and Ada Lovelace, and the kind of little tidbits that spark budding imaginations.
Whether you’re a homeschooler, an avowed geek, or just a parent looking to try something new and interesting with a science or science fiction-minded child, this book is bound to be dog-eared and scribbled in and splattered with bits of food from a Hobbit feast. If there’s one thing we geeks know how to do, it’s have fun while learning. –