Now that forced hot air and dry radiator heat is less a part of my days (hallelujah) I can already feel my skin starting to adapt. It’s time to put away the heavier, winter moisturizers and transition to something lighter.

The brand-new Fairiche line is a luxury anti-aging skincare line, but let’s just call it a luxury skincare line, shall we? It’s actually formulated to take on those nagging concerns like fine wrinkles, dark spots and hyperpigmentation but you don’t have to have middle-age skin to see the effects.

Update 2024: The products and packaging have changed since we first tested this line

I’ve been trying out the Fairiche Vivid Radiance Day Moisturizer (Update: Now a Revisionist Moisturizing Cream) for the last several weeks and I’m liking the fresh, non-medicinal scent and how dewy and clean my skin is feeling. The moisturizer is not oily in the least, which is perfect for me, and while I can’t say for sure that it is exclusively responsible for the “youthful glow” promised on the package, my skin is feeling pretty great and is looking more evenly toned. I’m sure both are due in part to the low concentration of Alpha Hydroxy Acid.

The other ingredients–many of them botanicals and vitamins–sound super fancy and well-considered if you take a look. They’re intended to have effects like skin plumpening (actually a good thing), brightening skin tone, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Also, all the products are paraben-free, which seems increasingly like the price of entry into the luxury skincare category.


Fairiche Skin Care | Cool Mom Picks

Speaking of price, this is definitely nooooot a drugstore brand; the Gentle Radiance Foaming Cleanser (which I’d love to try, considering how much I like the moisturizer) starts at $28, and the line peaks at $85 for an anti-aging serum. So yeah. Splurgey stuff. Maybe that’s the riche in Fairiche?

But if you’re a skincare junkie (you know who you are) who’s willing to spend on the kinds of products you get at professional spas, I think Fairiche is going to do right by a lot of…over-40 women. Let’s not call us mature women, mmkay?

Find Fairiche skincare online through their website, or in person at Fred Segal if you’re in LA.