I’m not usually one for celebrity cosmetics or perfumes. I always wonder how much they actually have to do with the development, beyond licensing their names. And I’d definitely be a little sheepish if I knew a houseguest was poking through my medicine cabinet and saw some pop star’s name on my foundation or something. So you can imagine why a sample of Salma Hayek Nuance Dual Phase Makeup Remover received in a goodie bag from who-knows-where sat unopened in my bathroom for months.
Well, what a mistake that was.
I can never quite find a makeup remover I love; too oily, too astringent, too pricy, too painful when I get it in my eyes. But Nuance? Just…wow. The formula feels soft and conditioning, with a fragrance-free (or in my experience, very mild smelling) combination of cucumber and rosewater, plus herbs like chamomile and lavender. A gentle swipe or two and it really does get your smokey eye back to its plain old non-smokey self. To top it off, it’s moisturizing, but not oily in the least.
Seriously, it’s refreshing to use a makeup remover and actually be able to see clearly right afterwards.
The reviews of Nuance Makeup Remover are pretty terrific across the board and for $7.99 I think it’s a phenomenal value–more than a store-brand generic, sure, but way less than products from Clinique, Lancome or Clarins. And while it’s not all-natural by any means, it does rate a respectable 3 on the EWG cosmetics safety scale.
Salma? I’m more than happy to welcome you into my bathroom.
Find the Salma Hayek Nuance Dual Phase Makeup Remover at stores like CVS.
For more great beauty products, check out four of the best makeup removers in every price range, and our recommendations for great cleansing wipes especially for travel.
[photo via makeup and beauty blog]
I’m glad for the recommendation, but I’m most excited that you were concerned with and included the EWG rating for the product! Thank you for being forward-thinking about something I hope will become a regular feature of cosmetic reviews.