It’s been so awesome working with Dove Men+Care on our Father’s Day Gift Guide this year, because, they really believe in celebrating dads in the best, most insightful, most 21st century way. In fact, they’re way ahead of so many other brands that still portray bumbling, lazy dads, that we’re absolutely delighted to share this Dove Men “Calls for Dad” video with you.
Got the tissues out?
What an exquisitely produced, lovely and insightful way to honor the kinds of caring, involved dads we are seeing more and more these days; not just playing with their kids, but kissing boo-boos, smothering them in sunscreen, coaxing them reluctantly into itchy Halloween costumes, saving them from playground perils, celebrating pregnancies, and (ack, the one that gets us most) dancing with daughters at weddings.
Especially because more dads see themselves this way–even if lots of advertisers don’t.
Share your family’s #RealDadMoments on Twitter and other social media channels with our awesome sponsor, @DoveMenCare. And be sure to check out their full line of grooming products for men, 10 of which you can win if you enter our awesome Father’s Day Gift Guide giveaway before 6/15.
You can also follow Dove Men+Care on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook because that’s how we all roll these days.