I have no specific name brand requirements for the bags that I carry. As long as it’s stylish, functional and well-made, I’m happy. And even happier if it happens to give back to great causes, which is exactly what happens when you buy an Angela & Roi bag.
Every single one of these simple yet stylish bags gives back to a charity, with the brand creatively connecting each one’s color to a specific charitable foundation that will receive $5 with your purchase. So a green bag helps support the Anxiety and Depression Society of America. The yellow bags give back to the American Childhood Cancer Association. Red goes towards the fight against HIV and AIDS. There are 11 colors in all, each dedicated to a particular health-minded charity.
What’s so wonderful is that these beautifully-crafted, vegan leather bags are the kinds you’d drool over at your big department store or small neighborhood boutique. Each one has a small embedded stamp or engraved ribbon logo on the outside–though both are extremely subtle because I’m sensitive to that–and each comes with a special paper tag explaining the charity that’s being supported by your purchase.
I know that $5 isn’t a huge amount when you’re talking about a $70 or $100 bag, but it’s a wonderful gesture. And hey, to make this a really special gift, perhaps you pick one for someone already dedicated to that particular charity and include an additional donation in her name. That’s the kind of thought that counts.
EXTRA COOL: Save 10% off your purchase with HappyHoliday10. And see the whole collection of Angela & Roi bags for a cause on their website, and visit our Holiday Gift Guide for more stylish gifts that give back.