First: A caveat. The name Poop ‘n Pull makes us all laugh every time. So much so, that we almost dismissed it just on the name alone. But on closer look, this is a seriously smart potty training reward system for parents of young kids ready to ditch the diapers. And if you’re in the midst of that fun phase of parenting, then we know you may be willing to take all the help you can get. Even if it’s a name that older kids will have a field day with.
This parent-invented device is essentially a small plastic container that you can hang on the bathroom door, out of reach of little hands. But, after a successful potty visit, just lower the pull-cord and your child can “pull” to dispense a little treat in one of ten refillable capsules, kind of like a gumball machine. (After washing hands, of course.)
You can use whatever you want for a reward — a few M&M’s, a bouncy ball, a squishy bracelet, stickers, or any items that will motivate your child and allow you to be consistent with your reward methods.
The Poop ‘n Pull (yep, still laughing) is currently for sale through a Kickstarter campaign. It’s just $24 for the dispenser and capsules alone, which I think is pretty good; or $34 if you want to include a set of stickers to decorate the dispenser, along with their own short potty-training book called Whales Wear Underwear. Because units don’t ship until this July, this is probably a better buy for those of you getting ready to get your kids out of diapers and not already at it this very moment.
Then again, if your kids are as stubborn as mine were, you could still be potty training three months from now, so perhaps this would be a wise purchase for you too.
Purchase the Poop ‘n Pull potty-training reward system by April 23 before the Kickstarter campaign ends. After that, you can visit the Poop ‘n Pull website for ordering information.