You guys! We’re so excited to announce the launch of our new parenting podcast, SPAWNED with Kristen and Liz. We’re honored to be the newest addition to Slate’s truly fantastic Panoply network,which you can find on iTunes, Stitcher, and playing on a loop in our homes.

Just a couple of months ago we were talking about how much we love being guests on various talk shows, radio shows, and yes, podcasts, that maybe we should have our own. How fun would that be? We love listening to our favorite podcasts while we’re driving, while we’re working out, while we’re trying to avoid working out… you get the idea. And well, the planets aligned (take that, Mercury) and indeed, we’ve got our own thanks to the awesome folks at Panoply who are brave enough to hand us an open mic and let us run with it.


SPAWNED with Kristen and Liz: A new podcast from the Panoply network

On SPAWNED with Kristen and Liz we’ll be talking all things parenting — and sometimes not parenting — with a common sense, humorous approach. Because if we’re not laughing as parents, we’d be crying. We’ll, that’s what Kristen always says. And hey, you’re welcome to join us whether or not you have kids of your own.

Now if you’re new to podcasts (it’s okay!) and you want to take a listen to ours, you can listen right here!

But also, you can subscribe so you never miss an episode. It’s super easy to subscribe to our podcast feed on your mobile device. And even better, it’s totally free!


For iOS users:

How to find the new Spawned Podcast with Kristen + Liz from Cool Mom Picks on iTunes!

1. Find the purple Podcasts app on your phone (it’s automatically there, iOS8 users; if you haven’t updated, you’ll need to download the Apple Podcasts app from the App Store. It’s free).

2. Click “Search” and type in “SPAWNED” (all caps not required).

3. Click the “Subscribe” button.

4. That’s it! Now wait for our podcasts to pop up every Wednesday, at which point, you can click to download and listen. Yay!


For Android users:

1. Head over to the Play Store and click the Apps tab.

2. Click “Search” and type “Stitcher Radio.”

3. Install Stitcher Radio and then open up the app.

4. You’ll need to sign up (it’s free!).

5. Click “Search” and type in “SPAWNED with Kristen and Liz” (*Note: If it’s not there yet, it will be soon)

6. Click “Episodes” to see our episode listing.

7. Listen over and over and over again.



Every week, we’ll feature a post here (or you can click on our Podcast category ) linking to all the articles, website, and other things we discussed in our podcast. Here are the links about the things we talk about in our first episode of SPAWNED with Kristen and Liz


– Kristen’s parenting column The Condom Broke. Yes, that really was the name.

– Liz’s problems naming her baby. Was it as hard for you?

Steve Jobs is a low tech parent. We still can’t believe it.

– The rebuttal: Steve Jobs might have been wrong about iPads and kids.

– The average amount kids spend on screens each day. Whoa.

– Our own tips for managing screentime, plus Kristen’s Marble Jar system explained. It’s so easy! And it works.

Common Sense Media: A must-have resource for parents

– A great article about screen time and tech etiquette strategies for parents on Apartment Therapy

– A discussion about managing kids’ computer use and how much is too much screen time over at Parent Hacks, one of our favorite online resources for parents.

-The Minimalist Parenting book written by Asha Dornfest and Christine Koh.


Alex: The first default female Minecraft character

Liz’s cool pick of the week: Props to Alex, first default female Minecraft character for gaming consoles and PE. And a mention of Girls and STEM, and the First LEGO League.

Kristen’s cool pick of the week: A much-needed daily giggle courtesy of Buzzfeed Parents.



Spawned with Kristen and Liz: The newest podcast from Slate's Panoply Network


We invite you to subscribe to our Podcast feed on iTunes or Stitcher, plus, we’d love to hear from you! If you’ve got a topic idea, a question, a comment, a good joke (we’re kind of over our kids’ three knock-knock jokes) or if want to know where to send us homemade chocolate chip cookies, email us at

And of course you can find us on Facebook,  Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #SpawnedShow.

Bonus! Every week, we’ll be hosting a live podcast after-show streaming on Periscope. Make sure you’ve got the Periscope app on your phone and you’re following @coolmompicks. We’ll tweet before our live Periscope show starts so you can catch us. We’d love to see you.

Now, go listen to our podcast!  We’re having so much fun, and we hope you will too.