I know I’m not alone in wanting to hurl my laptop out the window many times during what’s probably been the most contentious election cycle of my lifetime. So I had to just stop, smile and breathe a little sigh of relief when I saw the new Let’s Be Friends baby onesie from our friends at Wry Baby.

If you’ve got a politically divided family that’s starting to block each other on Facebook,  I’d say this is the onesie to put your baby in every single visit until November. And probably beyond.

With a collection of happy states from coast to coast holding hands, (though why so teeny, New York?) this US-made and printed snapsuit comes in a nice gender-neutral blue; but it’s the purple that’s spot-on conceptually. I pretty much want to get it for every new baby in my life right now.

Related: 175+ of the coolest baby gifts in the 2016 Ultimate Baby Shower Gift Guide

Let's Be Friends apolitical baby onesie from Wry Baby.
It’s such a beautifully simple reflection of the way kids tend to approach relationships. That may be the ray of happiness a lot of of us really, desperately want to see right now.


Find the US-made Let’s Be Friends baby onesie in two colors at WryBaby.com