We all know the transition from balance bike to training wheels to full-on bicycle takes a while (and can get a little wobbly). Add the required coordination to ring that out-of-my-way-new-rider-here bell and your kid may be in danger of an all-out collapse on the pavement. Which is no fun for anyone involved.
So I’m pretty stoked to discover the Mirrycle Incredibell Jellibell Bicycle Bell (try saying that five times fast), which requires a mere touch to deliver its bell sound. That’s something even the most novice cyclists can handle while still balancing on two wheels.
Related: 7 of the absolute coolest ride-on toys for kids. Let’s get cruisin’!
And while I think kids will love ringing the bell just for the heck of it, the Jellibell may also serve an important safety purpose, especially if a child needs to alert a person (or pet) that they’re coming down that sidewalk fast! Skinned knees averted.
Find the Jellibell in five fun colors at our affiliate Amazon, or look for them at your local bike shop.