Kids like rocks. Kids like painting. Kids like giving gifts. So it’s pretty brilliant for Creativity for Kids/Faber-Castell to come out with the brand new Hide & Seek Rock Painting Kit which brings all three together.
Admittedly on first glance I was like, okay, someone found a way to sell you rocks and paint. But then, I am a big fan of random acts of kindness. So the company sent over a press sample, and right away I could tell it was way more special.
Not only does it come with everything you need including the brushes, but there are some fun tattoos (for the rocks, not your kids) with 30 designs and inspirational sayings like IMAGINE; and cleverly, a nearly sheer tattoo for the back of the rocks with the Creativity for Kids Instagram handle.
The idea is after your kids decorate and place their rocks around the neighborhood for others to find, they can check back on the feed to see if anyone has found it and photographed it themselves.
Remember Where’s George? Kind of like that, meets an Easter egg hunt.
Related: 19 random acts of kindness you can have fun doing with your kids
The best part (besides the painting) was running around our Brooklyn neighborhood, the kids carrying the rocks they had so painstakingly crafted, and watching them leave them on stoops, on ledges, in flower pots, and on park benches or playground equipment.
They watched delighted, from behind a playground fence, as one little girl picked up a painted stone and pocketed it. And then, they watched as one kid not knowing why there was a painted rock on the bench, threw it to the ground.
“Well, that’s what makes it random,” I explained. “The next person who sees it may be excited to keep it. You never know. You just hope it ends up in good hands.”
I also explained that what makes it about random kindness is that they never get any credit for it. And that’s a harder lesson for kids to learn, but I think it’s a really important one.
So while yes, of course you can still totally do this on your own with found rocks or shells and your own paint or Sharpies, I really love this kit to get you started.
I think it’s a fabulous birthday gift for that ubiquitous “kid who has everything,” a neat craft project for kids and grandparents to do together, or a great camp care package gift to get an entire bunk doing something nice for each other. Well, something that doesn’t involve doling out candy.
Find the new Hide & Seek Rock Painting Kit by Creativity for Kids on the Faber-Castell website or look for it on our affiliate Amazon when it’s back in stock. Guess these kits are hot! Thanks to the company for sending a press sample for review consideration.